Ralf Lister
rlister at actuarial-files.com
Sat Dec 11 09:57:05 CST 2010
Hello, I have the AC2007 database, and run this code in a standard module: ************************************************+ Sub Versicherung(table As String, F As Byte, FJahr As Long) Const tasa = 6.97 Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim dbs As DAO.Database Set dbs = CurrentDb Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset("qryDatos") *************************************************** At the last line (Set rs = ) I get this error message: Se ha producido el error 3061 en tiempo de ejecución: Pocos parametros. Se esperaba 1. (Error 3061 Few parameter. Expected: 1) What Im doing wrong here? Can someone help? TIA Saludos Actuary Ralf Lister La Paz, Bolivia Environment