Tony Septav
iggy at
Wed Dec 15 10:40:40 CST 2010
Hey All I have a series of 9 list boxes on a form. Sort of a drill down, the user selects an item in a list box and it then displays (waterfalls) the results in the following list boxes. For 60,000 records it takes about 2 to 3 seconds to refresh/requery all the list boxes. One thing I don't quite understand is why when I manually open a query used for a list box it is quite fast, but when the list box gets requeried on the form there is noticable time lag. I can live with the 2 to 3 second delay time but what I am finding is as the program requeries the other list boxes I can click on the originating list box and I get the error message "The macro or function set to the BeforeUpate or ValidationRule......" . The only event on the list box is an On Click. I have tried several approaches to try and prevent the user clicking before all requeries are completed. Is there a way to disable the cursor while the code is running??