[AccessD] List Boxes

Tony Septav iggy at nanaimo.ark.com
Thu Dec 16 09:53:22 CST 2010

Hey All
Tried Stuart's idea and used my RollYourOwnCombo.mdb logic.
Using continuous subforms did not solve my speed problem. But I figure I 
can speed things up by just requerying the first five subforms. The 
other 4 are basically stats for a code and date chosen. Wanted to show 
the user visually how the listboxes/subforms work, but I figure I will 
just put some text on the form "Click a code and date to view stats."  
It takes a lot of code to choregraph all the requerying plus you don't 
get highlighting like you get with a list box. Was going to use 
conditional formatting to do this but it tends to slow things down 
again. So I just made the first textbox (column) in every subform locked 
and transparent/grey  and placed an unbound white textbox beneath, the 
other textboxes are enabled false and locked true and white.  Good thing 
using the subforms is I control what a user does and no mysterious error 

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