jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Wed Dec 22 17:03:30 CST 2010
Place the following in a module Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private cCacheState As clsCacheState Public Function cCState() As clsCacheState If cCacheState Is Nothing Then Dim db As DAO.Database Set db = CurrentDb Set cCacheState = New clsCacheState 'The table and field names below must be changed to match your table names cCacheState.mInit db, "usystblPLSSysVars", "PLSSV_Name", "PLSSV_Val", "PLSDataUpdate" End If Set cCState = cCacheState End Function Create a table named usystblPLSSysVars with field names PLSSV_Name and PLSSV_Val. Create a record with the values PLSDataUpdate in the PLSSV_Name and anything at all in PLSSV_Val. You can actually create a table of any name with fields named whatever you want, but the above works with the module above so if you create your own table you will need to modify the test code above. Now in the debug window do the following things cCState.pRefreshed = now() ccstate.pModified = now() ?ccstate.pRefreshed 12/22/2010 4:50:48 PM ?ccstate.pModified 12/22/2010 4:51:01 PM ?ccstate.pRefreshNeeded False True You can step through and watch the class perform. You can add the class anywhere that you need to monitor a value modified by another user. -- John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com