Gustav Brock
Gustav at
Wed Jan 27 01:44:32 CST 2010
Hi Darren Another method is to use Split to create arrays to look up the keys and values, indeed if you need "a little more". Here's an example to look up values from connect strings which are not always perfectly formatted. </code> Public Function GetConnectKey( _ ByVal strConnect As String, _ ByVal strKey) _ As String ' Extracts the value of key strKey or of the type from a string ' containing a type and one or more sets of key/value separated ' by semicolon, like: ' ' "TYPE;KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=;;KEY3=VALUE3; ' ' as typically found in the Connect field of table MSysObjects for ' an attached non-ODBC table; ' or without a type value, like: ' ' "KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=;;KEY3=VALUE3; ' ' as typically found in the Connect field of table MSysObjects for ' an attached ODBC table. ' ' Returns value of type if key strKey has a length of zero. ' Returns empty string if key/value set is malformed. ' ' 2004-05-28. Cactus Data ApS. CPH. ' Separators. Const cstrSepConnect As String = ";" Const cstrSepEntry As String = "=" Dim astrEntries() As String Dim astrEntry() As String Dim strEntry As String Dim strProfile As String Dim lngElements As Long Dim lngN As Long ' No special error handling. On Error Resume Next ' Create array with entries. astrEntries = Split(strConnect, cstrSepConnect) ' Loop to locate entry with key. For lngN = LBound(astrEntries) To UBound(astrEntries) strEntry = Trim(astrEntries(lngN)) If Len(strEntry) = 0 Then ' Empty entry. Else ' Create array holding Key and Value. astrEntry = Split(strEntry, cstrSepEntry) lngElements = UBound(astrEntry) ' A valid entry will have one or two elements. If lngElements < 0 Then ' Empty ("") entry. ElseIf lngElements > 1 Then ' Malformed ("..=..=..") multi-element entry. ElseIf Len(astrEntry(0)) = 0 Then ' Malformed ("=" or "=VALUE") entry. Else ' Key ("KEY=VALUE") or type ("TYPE") is present. If Len(strKey) = 0 Then ' We are looking for the type. If lngN = 0 And lngElements = 0 Then ' Type is located. Retrieve its value. strProfile = astrEntry(0) End If ElseIf StrComp(astrEntry(0), strKey, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then ' Key is located. If lngElements = 1 Then ' Key has a value. Retrieve this. strProfile = astrEntry(1) End If End If End If End If If Len(strProfile) > 0 Or Len(strKey) = 0 Then ' Either the key has been located or ' this is a lookup for the type. Exit For End If Next GetConnectKey = strProfile End Function </code> >>> darren at 27-01-2010 03:31 >>> Hi team Assuming the string below "[AccountNo]=1234","[InvoiceNo]=1234567","[InvoiceDate]=04/01/2010","[Name]= Barry" How would I get just the Invoice Number bit = Eg 1234567? The 'token' [InvoiceNo] will be constant followed by an "=" sign But sadly the position of the [InvoiceNo] token in the string will not be constant - Otherwise I'd just use MID() Nor will the length of the invoice number - Some may be 4 digits others 6 etc I need to pull just the Invoice Number (And the Account Number) out of the string to build a new string being used elsewhere Many thanks in advance Darren