[AccessD] Possible small paid project

Kathryn Bassett kathryn at bassett.net
Wed Jul 14 00:11:58 CDT 2010

Darryl Collins asked:
> Just want to clarify.  You want to load the Excel data in MS Access?
> Or just link the ID from Excel to Access?
> Or Using the ID in Access as a Key, Update all the additional data from
> Excel to Access using the ID?
> Not 100% clear on what you are after here, but if it is what I am
> thinking it should be easy and painless to do.

The end result would be a report that shows the following in alpha order:

Bassett, Kathryn (LName, FName concatenated, then after name should be the
sex designation with () around it)
(next line contents of Street City State Zip Country, concatenated)
Father: John Doe (name found by looking up the number in the Father_ID field
in the Person_ID field, to get the name)
Mother: Jane Smith (same scenario)
Spouse: David Bassett (same scenario)
Born: (contents of BirthDate and BirthPlace fields, concatenated)	
Married: (contents of MarriageDate and MarriagePlace fields, concatenated)
Died: (contents of DeathDate and DeathPlace fields, concatenated)
Notes: (contents)
Memo: (contents)

Next record

Next record

Next record until done.

So, however it's done doesn't matter to me as long as I can get the result
in a Word (or WordPerfect) file. From there, I'll add headers and other
things I'll want to add before making the pdf.

Kathryn Rhinehart Bassett (Pasadena CA)
"Genealogy is my bag" "GH is my soap"
kathryn at bassett.net

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