Bud Goss
bgoss711 at ameritech.net
Thu Jul 15 17:14:18 CDT 2010
Yes - the code shown below compiles and when run in the Northwind database generates an xml file with the customers and orders tables. But I need to get related files in an xml hierarchy such as : customer order order line order order line customer order order line order order line etc So this really does not resolve my problem Code that works I am going out for a while and will check later today or tomorrow -Thanks again for reply- Public Sub Test001() ' Purpose: Exports the Orders table as well as ' a number of related databases to an XML file. ' XSD and XSL files are also created. Dim objAD As AdditionalData ' Create the AdditionalData object. Set objAD = Application.CreateAdditionalData ' Add the related tables to the object. With objAD .Add "Order Details" '##### Any of these lines these lines will cause the Named Argument Not Found Error 'objAD(Item:="Order Details").Add "Order Details Details" 'objAD(Item:="Order Details").Add "Order Details" 'objAD(Item:="Order ID").Add "Order Details Details" 'objAD(Item:="Order ID").Add "Order Details" '##### .Add "Customers" End With ' Export the Orders table along with the addtional data. Application.ExportXML acExportTable, "Orders", _ "C:\Orders.xml", "C:\OrdersSchema.xsd", _ "C:\OrdersStyle.xsl", AdditionalData:=objAD MsgBox "done xxx" End Sub