Doug Steele
dbdoug at
Thu Jul 15 18:21:56 CDT 2010
Hi Brad: I use this technique all the time. Here is the unexpurgated code for the proc I use; it creates a dummy query and builds the SQL up from the original query and the 'Where' string that is passed to it. I've included the option to save it to the user's desktop or not. Let me know if you have any questions. Doug Public Sub ExportQueryToExcel(QueryName As String, Optional WhereString, Optional toDeskTop As Boolean = True) 'note: the sql string in a query appears to be terminated with a ; then a space then a c/r Dim qName As String, fname As String Dim qd As QueryDef Dim sqlStr As String Dim OrdBy As Integer Dim Where As Integer Dim MyWhereString As String Dim MyOrderByString As String Dim myPath As String 'add general query front end to sqlstring Set qd = CurrentDb.QueryDefs(QueryName) sqlStr = qd.SQL If Not IsMissing(WhereString) Then If WhereString <> "" Then 'need to add this where string to existing if any 'parse off existing order by/group by (for summary queries) and where OrdBy = InStr(sqlStr, "ORDER BY") If OrdBy = 0 Then OrdBy = InStr(sqlStr, "GROUP BY") If OrdBy <> 0 Then MyOrderByString = Right(sqlStr, Len(sqlStr) - OrdBy + 1) 'includes trailing ; sqlStr = Left(sqlStr, OrdBy - 1) End If Where = InStr(sqlStr, "WHERE") If Where = 0 Then If OrdBy = 0 Then sqlStr = Left(sqlStr, Len(sqlStr) - 3) & " WHERE " & WhereString & ";" Else sqlStr = sqlStr & " WHERE " & WhereString & " " & MyOrderByString End If Else If OrdBy = 0 Then sqlStr = Left(sqlStr, Len(sqlStr) - 3) & " AND (" & WhereString & " );" Else sqlStr = sqlStr & " AND (" & WhereString & " ) " & MyOrderByString End If End If End If End If On Error Resume Next CurrentDb.QueryDefs.Delete ("zqTempQueryForExcelExport") On Error GoTo 0 Set qd = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("zqTempQueryForExcelExport", sqlStr) myPath = "" If toDeskTop Then myPath = getDesktopPath If myPath = "" Then myPath = GetPathFromName(CurrentDb.Name) End If fname = adhCommonFileOpenSave(, "Excel files|*.xls", , , QueryName & Format(Date, "_mm_dd_yy"), , myPath, , False) If fname = "" Then MsgBox "No file selected - please try again!" Exit Sub End If DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "zqTempQueryForExcelExport", fname End Sub Function getDesktopPath() As String ' Options For special folders ' AllUsersDesktop ' AllUsersStartMenu ' AllUsersPrograms ' AllUsersStartup ' Desktop ' Favorites ' Fonts ' MyDocuments ' NetHood ' PrintHood ' Programs ' Recent ' SendTo ' StartMenu ' Startup ' Templates Dim objWSHShell As Object Dim strSpecialFolderPath getDesktopPath = "" On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Create a shell object Set objWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ' Find out the path to the passed special folder, ' just change the "Desktop" for one of the other options getDesktopPath = objWSHShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop") ' Clean up Set objWSHShell = Nothing ErrorHandler: ' MsgBox "Error finding " & strSpecialFolder, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error" End Function On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 3:15 PM, Brad Marks <brad.marks1 at> wrote: > We have an Access 2007 report that has "dynamic filters" which enable the > end-users to trim down the amount of data on the report. This is done with > code like this... > >