jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Wed Jun 2 07:19:49 CDT 2010
Bill, I use a function I call "fltr()" to do this. Fltr is a function that I can SET to a value with one call and RETRIEVE a value with another call. I have removed error handling to make it easier to see how it works. The concept is that fltr has TWO parameters. The first parameter is the NAME of the filter to be set or retrieved. The second parameter is OPTIONAL and is the VALUE of the filter to be SET. Filters are stored internally to the function in a static collection, so this one function can store thousands of these filters. So... If you call Fltr "frmExciterRecID", [Forms]![frmExciterIndividualEntry]![RecordID] you SET the VALUE [Forms]![frmExciterIndividualEntry]![RecordID] into the fltr "frmExciterRecID" If you call fltr("frmExciterRecID") you RETRIEVE or READ fltr "frmExciterRecID" So your code can now SET a filter wherever you need one, typically in code in the OnOpen or OnCurrent, and the value can be read back out anywhere you want, but specifically in a query. This allows you to MANUALLY SET a filter value, perhaps in the debug window, and then open the query. Since you set the filter, the query uses the filter and life is good. How it works: The very first time the function is called this code sets up the static collection which holds the filter values. Static mcolFilter As Collection If mcolFilter Is Nothing Then Set mcolFilter = New Collection End If The following code handles the case where you are just reading values back out (not SETTING the filter) If IsMissing(lvarValue) Then On Error Resume Next Fltr = mcolFilter(lstrName) If Err <> 0 Then Fltr = Null End If The following code handles a value being passed IN and if so stores it in the collection: Else On Error Resume Next mcolFilter.Remove lstrName mcolFilter.Add lvarValue, lstrName Fltr = lvarValue End If Notice that we ALWAYS delete the old value and store the new value passed in. The following is the entire filter function Public Function Fltr(lstrName As String, Optional lvarValue As Variant) As Variant Static mcolFilter As Collection 'First pass set the collection up If mcolFilter Is Nothing Then Set mcolFilter = New Collection End If 'lvarValue is an optional parameter. 'if it is missing then we are READING the filter If IsMissing(lvarValue) Then On Error Resume Next Fltr = mcolFilter(lstrName) If Err <> 0 Then Fltr = Null End If 'if it is not missing then we are WRITING a filter value Else On Error Resume Next mcolFilter.Remove lstrName mcolFilter.Add lvarValue, lstrName Fltr = lvarValue End If End Function John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com Bill Benson (vbacreations) wrote: > SELECT TblCIB.RecordID, TblCIB.ShopOrder, TblCIB.ItemNumber FROM TblCIB > WHERE (((TblCIB.RecordID)=[Forms]![frmExciterIndividualEntry]![RecordID])) > > The above sql is causing the user to be prompted for a value of > [Forms]![frmExciterIndividualEntry]![RecordID] when that form is not open > and/or the control not populated. I would like that when there is no form or > control available at runtime, the query just assumes a 0 or "" [default] so > that my users are not prompted. Is there some simple [single expression] way > to do this short of the workaround I show below, which seems like overkill??