Gustav Brock
Gustav at
Tue Jun 8 10:31:20 CDT 2010
Hi Rocky Try adding the other fields one by one. /gustav >>> rockysmolin at 08-06-2010 17:09 >>> Gustav: Yes. I inserted this code: Set rsPODetail = db.OpenRecordset("Select fldPODRevision FROM tblPODetail WHERE fldPOHID = " & Me.fldPOHID) If rsPODetail.BOF = False And rsPODetail.EOF = False Then rsPODetail.MoveLast MsgBox rsPODetail.RecordCount Do While rsPODetail.EOF = False MsgBox rsPODetail!fldPODRevision and the record count comes up with 3 - that's correct. And the MsgBox displayed rsPODetail!fldPODRevision without a problem. Any clues there? TIA Rocky