Gustav Brock
Gustav at
Fri Mar 5 02:46:06 CST 2010
Hi Max But you are writing only one command line to that batch file so why a having the trouble. Just run the command line with Shell. /gustav >>> max.wanadoo at 05-03-2010 00:59 >>> Hi Guys, Here is an example of using BLAT as an Emailer. Replaces CDO, Redemption, docmd.SendObject, Outlook, ClickYes, etc, etc FREE. I have used it in 32bit and this example was just used in 64bit so the program (blat) is pretty stable. Example is tested in A2k3 Example is tested using a know smtp server with login details. I have not tried it in gmail. (yest) Replace smtp login details with your own. Max Option Compare Database Option Explicit ' Example by Max.Wanadoo at ' Thanks to Stuart for helping to get the batch call running correctly. ' NOW:Forget CDO. ' Forget Redemption ' Forget SendObject ' We have BLAT. ' Free and NO installation - just put a copy in your project folder and build some text files. ' Download from ' extract the contents and place them in your app folder (we only need the blat.exe but the rest will be worth reading. ' you can then create a FORM where the user can enter variables. We will assume some constants, but these can ' be variables as well. ' You can also store them in tables if you wish (I would) ' This is just an exampls so that you understand how it works. ' full details of all the options are in the downloaded text files from ' HERE are the contents of the text files used as examples. You can create these on the fly from within Access. ' Subject.txt = "Hello World" ' Body.txt = This is a test email from Blat. ' Recipients.txt = max.wanadoo at, max.wanadoo at, max.wanadoo at ' cc.txt = max.wandoo at ' bcc.txt = max.wanadoo at ' Signature.txt = Max, Manager ' ps.txt = PS. To unsubscribe send an email to helpmeplease at Private sBlatFile, sBlatLog Sub BlatExample() 'place these varibles in a form for the user to enter. We will just create them 'from here to show how they fit together to make Blat work. ' What I have done is to put the contents of the various bits into external text files and call them with these ' variables but you can put them directly into the varible if you change the calling Blat Switch where required. ' See Blat file for documentation or drop me a line. EG, -tf (to file) becomes -to (address list to send to) ' The files I have used are arbitarily named and I would antipate generting them from within Access where appropriate. If BlatCreate( _ sFrom:="me at", _ sRecipients:="Recipients.txt", _ sCC:="CC.txt", _ sBCC:="bcc.txt", _ sSubject:="subject.txt", _ sBody:="Body.txt", _ sSMTPServer:="", _ sSMTPUser:="me at", _ sSMTPPwd:="mysecretsmtppassword", _ sSignature:="Signature.txt", _ sPS:="ps.txt", _ sAttach:="Attach.txt") = 0 Then Call sShell(sBlatFile) End If End Sub Function BlatCreate( _ sFrom As String, _ sRecipients As String, _ sCC As String, _ sBCC As String, _ sSubject As String, _ sBody As String, _ sSMTPServer As String, _ sSMTPUser As String, _ sSMTPPwd As String, _ sSignature As String, _ sPS As String, _ sAttach As String) As Long On Error GoTo EH Dim sContents As String sBlatFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\blat.bat" sBlatLog = CurrentProject.Path & "\blat.log" sContents = "Blat.exe " & sBody & _ " -f " & sFrom & _ " -serverSMTP " & sSMTPServer & _ " -u " & sSMTPUser & _ " -pw " & sSMTPPwd & _ " -tf " & sRecipients & _ " -cf " & sCC & _ " -bf " & sBCC & _ " -sf " & sSubject & _ " -sig " & sSignature & _ " -ps " & sPS & _ " -attach " & sAttach ' That is all the varibles, we will now put our constants in, but ' if you want any of these to be changeable then just make them variables. ' NB there are no cr/lf in this file. ' this example asks for a read receipt, etc. sContents = sContents & " -noh2 -d -r -dsn sfd -priority 1 -log blat.log -timestamp -ti 60 -try 3 -hostname MyHostName" Close 1 On Error Resume Next Kill sBlatFile Kill sBlatLog On Error GoTo EH Open sBlatFile For Output As #1 Print #1, sContents Close 1 EX: Close 1 Exit Function EH: BlatCreate = Err.Number Select Case BlatCreate Case Else MsgBox "Error: " & BlatCreate & vbCrLf & Err.Description End Select Resume EH End Function Private Sub sShell(sFile) Dim strCurPath As String, strCurDrive As String, strProjPath As String, strProjDrive As String ' get the project location strProjPath = CurrentProject.Path strProjDrive = Left(strProjPath, 1): 'Debug.Print strProjDrive, strProjPath ' get the current location strCurPath = CurDir strCurDrive = Left(strCurPath, 1): 'Debug.Print strCurDrive, strCurPath ' change the current location to the project location ' so that we can run the blat.exe via the blat.bat file ChDrive strProjDrive ChDir strProjPath ' now run the batch file Shell sFile ' now restore the current location back to what it was. ChDrive strCurDrive ChDir strCurPath End Sub