jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Fri Mar 5 07:53:32 CST 2010
In 1997 while living down in Mexico, I gave away my collection of software on floppy. Even 10 years ago the floppy was pretty much useless. I still keep about 20 simply because they are getting hard to buy and the older versions of windows still require them for the driver install when installing windows. Even that is finally going away (thank goodness) with Vista and beyond. I would say they are good for making the trash heap a little bigger. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com Gustav Brock wrote: > Hi all > > Not humour (or is it?) but I discussed with a colleague, if anyone is still using 3½" diskettes? > Are you aware of any? > > We have a bunch of those in a filed box. What could they be used for? > > /gustav > >