[AccessD] Shelling to a batch file - doevents

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Sun Mar 7 02:48:25 CST 2010

Hi Jürgen

Oh, I thought you were running some custom progress bar.
In my experience, if the native progress bar runs in the status bar of Access, you can't do anything about it - except pressing Ctrl+Break if you are running a query manually.
Whatever you ask your app to do, it will impose some load at server side - that's the basic idea of Citrix and other terminal services - the client only handles screen display and user interaction. One of the differences between Citrix and other terminal solutions including Remote Desktop is, as I have understood it, that it is better at compressing and optimizing data between server and client.
My guess is that during this optimizing process, Citrix misses that the status bar has updated (it is not part of your nett application screen area), thus fails to send an updated screen display to your clients. As there is no event for progress-bar-updated you can't even do some API call to Citrix to force an update - and even if you could, that wouldn't help as Access will be busy with its single thread running the query. Seems like you are out of luck.

Time to move to dotNet, Visual Studio and C#. I think you will love it as you have bumped nearly every corner and edge of Access through the years. As you are a man of the details you will appreciate to be able to tweak almost everything - as Charlotte wrote a while back, in dotNet you can do almost everything in not one but many ways so you can easily be caught in exploring options.


>>> jwelz at hotmail.com 07-03-2010 04:07 >>>

Gustav:  It's the built in status bar progress indicator made of blue segments at the bottom left of the screen.  I can certainly give the repaint a try.  In any event, won't a refresh will still constitute a reload of the form data and load the connection to the data at the server side?  Not the VPN screen update, but refreshing the form could still represent some CPU and data transfer work at the terminal server.  I suppose I can give them both a try.  My point was that the doEvents works to allow Access to update the progress indicator in the status bar without resorting to additional measures.  It is necessary and sufficient to update the display on a workstation but is not enough via remote desktop.

Ciao Jürgen Welz Edmonton, Alberta jwelz at hotmail.com 

> Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 22:51:19 +0100
> From: Gustav at cactus.dk 
> To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com 
> Subject: Re: [AccessD] Shelling to a batch file - doevents
> Hi Jürgen
> No ... except for a little overhead, only the few pixels to paint the delta size of the progress bar should be sent and, if it's a solid bar, the amount of data will even be compressed a lot.
> /gustav
> >>> jwelz at hotmail.com 06-03-2010 22:37:38 >>>
> .. Over VPN to thin client both are a lot of bandwith to pump over an internet connection just to get a little status bar progress indicator to move. 

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