[AccessD] 2 Questions

Tony Septav iggy at nanaimo.ark.com
Tue Mar 9 13:24:57 CST 2010

Hey All
Just pondering
1. Access2003 does not seem to pick up erroneous variables.
If on a form I assign for a control
Dim JTnum as double
then in code
I make a spelling error
Jnum = rst.Pnum
rst!dnum=jnum (which gives me 0).
When I run a compile I do not get an error message.
In previous versions of Access I am pretty sure the above would generate 
an error message. Have I inadvertently turned something off????

2. I do not use the Tools Relationship.
I establish them in my queries and in my forms/subforms link or in 
code.  I also (because I have never liked Access's error messages) warn 
users with my own error message if a problem might occur.  Is this a  
feature designed for non-developers just like the table lookup (which I 
don't use either) or am I missing something (life has been good without 
it, just curious)????

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