jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Mon Mar 15 09:51:57 CDT 2010
I have always done a UNION to get a combo list with *; All as the first item in a combo of other items. PKID, Client or PKID, Product etc. These unions are takling as looooooong time (many seconds) when going against a SQL database. Not sure why because the actual data itself is almost instant, it is just when unioned with my other piece it takes forever to get the result set. Strange. I could do a custom callback but it takes me forever to figure out the callback crap, and I just generally hate them. I wanted to do a value list since the lists are short, but AFAICT the list value function has to be interpreted and dumped in to the property in OnEnter and the like. Clumsey, particularly when one combo depends on (is filtered by) another list (products filtered by client etc). Any words of wisdom on this? Something I have forgotten or never knew? -- John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com