Heenan, Lambert
Lambert.Heenan at chartisinsurance.com
Mon Mar 15 12:23:08 CDT 2010
So it's good ol' irresponsible and selfish Lambert here. Let me see if I've got this straight: certain list members assert that when little ol' me hits that 'Report Spam' button the whole machinery that is the Google spam filter springs instantly into action and for ever and irreversibly will flag such mail as spam for the whole realm of Gmail users. This happens because I am the ultimate Super User on Google and so what I say is spam is *SPAM*, and that filter algorithm just wakes right and the "Lambert flags another SPAM' alarms start ringing in Cupertino. If this were remotely true then you would all be running around right now saying "where the f*** has all my mail gone?" Yet somehow, millions of us Gmail users keep receiving email. What can have gone wrong? Lambert