[AccessD] Pop up Calendar date validation

Jurgen Welz jwelz at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 19 17:57:12 CDT 2010

Drew:  That would be worth having a look at.  What I'm really looking at is raising events on the form containing the date control that's being changed by the calendar.  I've seen your mini calendar and it is similar to mine in many ways.  I added a few bells and whistles to mine to allow it to be used to show appointments for multiple people and to set appointments based on a multi-select list of people to notify, a list of 32 for each long with some bitwise query joins.  All unbound mind you, but definitely not something likely to cause multi user conflicts in the manner we used it.  I had to builit a scroll bar out of Access controls to navigate the records which were stored in an array of controls (control array?, not quite but really close).  What a dog's breakfast of code that all turned out to be.  30 odd module level variables, mouse move on a scaled size thumb that responed clicks above and below and on the ears...


The one I now use is actually messier than I described.  In order to figure out the subform control names, I have to compare the control reference using the IS operator with like named controls on each of the subforms with the same source object.  But it does require an interation for control type = 112 and test of source object and trap the error when the control name is not found.  The reason this is necessary is because the form name and it's control name on a form must be different when multi-instances of the form are embedded in a form.


If ctlTxt Is Forms(strFrm)(strSubFrm).Form(strSubSubForm).Form(ctlTxt.Name) Then exit the For control iteration and leave the str variables set.


It also requires a public ValidateDate function on each form that uses a textbox date control.


I had it implemented for a few years and then started working with Outlook tasks.  The focus events on the scroll bar were making me crazy as I needed always to return focus to the last control.  I understand the caveats.  My email is as stated below or you can use my corp account:  jurgenw a t gracom.ca.  Corp account requires an innocuous file extension or it will be blocked.  I think I have a 10 mB file attachment limit.

Ciao Jürgen Welz Edmonton, Alberta jwelz at hotmail.com

> Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 14:59:24 -0500
> From: DWUTKA at marlow.com
> To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com
> Subject: Re: [AccessD] Pop up Calendar date validation
> Jurgen, years ago I began writing an update to my Access 97 MiniCalendar. It's written in Access 2000, and is event driven. In other words, when you open it up, you are actually dimming it 'withevents', so you actually get an event raised when a date is clicked on the calendar.
> I'd be more than happy to send this new version to you offlist, but with the caveat that it would be 'as is' . The calendar works just fine, it even has a 'sample form' so you can see how to implement and use it. It's got a LOT of code behind it. Has dropdown forms on it, etc. Lots of fun and neat stuff. Some things I never finished, which is why I haven't put it out in the wild. But there have been a handful of times where I needed a calendar, and I've thrown that working version in, and it's worked just fine.
> Drew
Check your Hotmail from your phone. 

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