[AccessD] Yet Another Access 2007 & Win 7 Bug -- Nasty

Robert robert at servicexp.com
Sun Mar 21 17:56:13 CDT 2010

  Thanks for the code suggestion(s). 

Since re-writing an application that I have been working on for over 10
years, in DOT.NET isn't really an option for me.. :-), as I would have to
learn .NET first... :-). 

I guess it would take me about 1-2 years to get to the point of just being
able to work in it effectively, then what another 30 years to re-create the
same app... :-)

If this combination doesn't yield better "base" results over the next few
Windows & Access updates, I have been giving serious thought of ending my
development in it (just going to close the doors on the application

It's becoming simply too painful dealing with Microsoft's increasing
disregard for this (and others) products function and performance..  It
seems that M$ is only interested in creating flashy new "gadgets", rather
making sure the existing code base is stable and functioning properly. Never
mind what the masses of tried and true Access developers want to see happen.

I loved the early days of 1.1 and A97, when you felt like they were
listening and fixing the problems being presented to them. Now..., In the
sea of their own dissolutions, I'm not sure they can even hear the cry's of
the countless Access developers..  I have a bad feeling A2010 will be no
better than A2007 in regards to stability and performance, and if history
repeats yet again most likely be worst...

Ok, time to get of my box, and go play some chess.....


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Jim Lawrence
Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 1:21 PM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Yet Another Access 2007 & Win 7 Bug -- Nasty

Hi Robert:

I have already ran into error number 5... sort of resolved it by making it a
separate function, turn off errors and then catching the error and looping
until it works... Another one is the use the 'sleep' function.

I think it is as much the Windows7 OS and the faster computers as it is the
Access version. I have already started to have issues with Access2003 and
have found that if I can get control of the processing it 'seems' to work
better. Here is a couple of methods I have found that help:

Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)


DoCmd.Close, "MyForm"

intLoop = 0
Do While (IsLoaded("MyForm")=True) And (intLoop < 5000)
 intloop = intloop + 1
 Sleep 200

...or sometimes just plain...
Sleep 2000

...and then the DoEvents...

bolLoaded = True

DoCmd.OpenForm "Customers" 'bolLoaded is set to False on Close

Do While bolLoaded = True

...and you are saying that it will only get worse!

I wonder if Access2007 should just be avoided and jump right to Access2010?

...or should I just rewrite the code in .Net and charge the client 10 to 15K
for the process? ;-)

Thanks for the heads up.



-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 6:48 AM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Yet Another Access 2007 & Win 7 Bug -- Nasty

  Keep in mind that this is an complex mdb(e) in Access 2007. If your app.
is the same, I can pretty much guaranty you will have problems. With all the
problems that I have and had, I just don't see how it's possible you won't
have some strange stuff happen if installed in Windows 7..

  I'm still dealing with absolutely bizarre issues that have absolutely no
foreseeable solution using this (combination (mdb(e) + Access  2007 on
Windows 7)

 For example:
  Something like     Set ctrCalendar = New clsCalendar  will intermittently
fail with error "Error: 5 Invalid procedure call or argument"
I have never had an error report dispatched for this, and It's only on
Window 7 OS's..  Unfortunately there is no fixing this, as it appears to
simply be a breakdown in Access on Windows 7 for some reason.. 

All these stupid errors have pushed my development so far back now I'm
really struggling to convert this app to a native access 2007 format, which
I'm really hoping solves these crazy problems.

A warning to everyone.. if you're like me and have a large complex mdb(e)
application running in the A07 "Engine", DON'T "allow" it to be installed on
any Windows 7 system, you will regret it like I have... :-(


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Jim Lawrence
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 7:54 PM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Yet Another Access 2007 & Win 7 Bug -- Nasty

Hi Robert:

Ouch, but I am glad to see you resolved that error.

I will be migrating an Access2003 application to Access2007 and you are not
making me feel very confident. 


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 6:10 AM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: [AccessD] Yet Another Access 2007 & Win 7 Bug -- Nasty

Been dealing with yet another program bug after switching the same program
that ran fine on Win XP to Window 7. I was getting this error on 2 different
section of the program. (There may be others but we have not found them

 Form / Sub form design. Sub form based on simple query with 4 tables. 3
query based functions. Sub form OnCurrent event sunk to re-query some list
boxes on main form. (Error persist when removing the OnCurrent event)

   Imbedded Query Function Example:

  Intermittently; when a user moves from one record to the next 2 things
would / could happen.
	1) Throws 2 different errors (2465, 2424) and even though there is
error handling in place it would crash Access
	2) After trapping (and throwing a DoEvent after the error) for the
specific error(s), I could prevent Access from crashing. 
		a) when the error would occur; the field that had the prev.
focus would change to "#Name?" 
		   and lock up the entire database unless the user would
click back on that exact record.
		b) I could cause the error by moving between records
rapidly. I could always reproduce the error in just a few
		   seconds of doing this.
		c) Users said it was more likely to happen if using the
record selector for moving between records.

Pictures of what that looked like.


Corrective Measures.
  After much trial and error, I discovered that if I completely remove **
ALL ** the imbedded functions in the query(s) 
  and move them to the actual sub form field(s) the problem completely went


Just thought I would add to the continuing saga of Access 2007 and Windows
7.. I can say this with confidence. This is a lethal combination for anyone
utilizing an Access .mdb(e) as a front end program. 

If your program has ANY complexity to it, I can pretty much guarantee you
will encounter some of the strangest errors and anomalies you have ever
experienced with Access before... ;-)  Garbage is what it really is, utter


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