Bill Benson (vbacreations)
vbacreations at
Thu May 13 22:07:05 CDT 2010
All, I got it to work ... with this simple example anyway. Thanks. 'FORM Option Compare Database Option Explicit Dim g_AddedControl As clsAddedControl Private Sub Command0_Click() Me.subfrm.SourceObject = "" AddControl "Subfrm" Me.subfrm.SourceObject = "Subfrm" Me.subfrm.Requery Set g_AddedControl = New clsAddedControl Set g_AddedControl.cbo = Me.subfrm.Form.Controls("cbo001") End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Me.subfrm.SourceObject = "" End Sub 'CLASS Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private WithEvents AddedControl As Access.ComboBox Private Sub AddedControl_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Debug.Print "MouseDown " & X & " " & Y End Sub Private Sub AddedControl_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Debug.Print "MouseMove " & X & " " & Y End Sub Private Sub AddedControl_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Debug.Print "Mouseup " & X & " " & Y End Sub Public Property Set cbo(ByVal IncomingControl As Control) If TypeOf IncomingControl Is ComboBox Then Set AddedControl = IncomingControl End If End Property Public Property Get cbo() As Access.ComboBox If Not AddedControl Is Nothing Then Set cbo = AddedControl End If End Property 'STANDARD: Sub AddControl(MyForm As String) Dim CtrlCBO As Control Dim frm As Form Dim InitialName As String On Error Resume Next DoCmd.DeleteObject acForm, MyForm On Error GoTo 0 Set frm = CreateForm frm.HasModule = True InitialName = frm.Name Set CtrlCBO = CreateControl(frm.Name, acComboBox, , "", "", 10, 10) CtrlCBO.Name = "cbo001" CtrlCBO.RowSourceType = "Table/Query" CtrlCBO.RowSource = "Select Distinct DataField from Table1" CtrlCBO.Tag = "DDDragFunction=MyDragFrom;DDDropFunction=MyDropTo;Combo" CtrlCBO.OnMouseMove = "[Event Procedure]" CtrlCBO.OnMouseUp = "[Event Procedure]" CtrlCBO.OnMouseDown = "[Event Procedure]" DoCmd.Save acForm, InitialName DoCmd.Close acForm, InitialName, acSaveNo DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", CurrentDb.Name, _ acForm, InitialName, MyForm, False DoCmd.DeleteObject acForm, InitialName End Sub