[AccessD] Constant copy interruptions

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Mon Nov 1 17:00:57 CDT 2010

I have an old handsaw, a hand drill and some files in my toolbox that are probably fifty years 
old.  I also have a powersaw, an electric drill, an angle grinder and a dremmel with all sorts of 
"you beaut' attachmentents.

I still use the old hand tools to do many basic task.   Just because ithey're old doesn't mean 
that they are no longer useful - often the old simple tools are still the best solution.

Why do you need a fancy GUI to do a simple file copy?


On 1 Nov 2010 at 12:38, jwcolby wrote:

>  > He he, afraid of the command line he is!
> No, tired of the command line he is.  I was using the CPM command line
> in 1982.  In 2010, TWENTY EIGHT YEARS later people are still
> suggesting the command line.  How sad is that?

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