[AccessD] Automating pdf printer

Jim Dettman jimdettman at verizon.net
Wed Nov 17 15:13:33 CST 2010

  You can use something like Ghost Script on Post Script printer output to
translate it to a PDF.  This is done via a batch file which you would call
with Shell().  Would look something like the procedure below.

  Lebans solution avoids the printer setup issues, but note that it outputs
the report to snapshot format first, then translates that.


Function RunReportAsPDF(strReportName As String) As String

          ' Prints a report to disk
          ' and then converts to a PDF file with Ghost Script.
          ' Returns name of file if sucessfull
          ' empty string ("") if not.

          ' 1.0 - 03/05/05 - JRD - Inital write
          ' 1.1 - 06/08/06 - JRD - Made name of batch file unique to avoid
collisions between programs
          ' 1.2 - 09/15/09 - JRD - Removed hardcoded file number
          Const RoutineName = "RunReportAsPDF"
          Const Version = "1.2"

          Dim strPDFPrinter As String
          Dim strPDFProgPath As String
          Dim strPDFFileName As String
          Dim strPDFScriptFile As String
          Dim strPRNFile As String
          Dim intFileNum As Integer

          Dim lngHWnd As Long

10        On Error GoTo RunReportAsPDF_Error

20        RunReportAsPDF = ""

30        strPDFPrinter = GetAppConfigValue(AppShortName(), "PDFPrinter",
".", ".")
40        strPDFProgPath = GetAppConfigValue(AppShortName(), "PDFProgPath",
".", ".")
50        strPRNFile = GetAppConfigValue(AppShortName(), "PDFPrnFile ", ".",

          ' Kill the printer output file if it already exists.
60        If (Dir(strPRNFile) & "" <> "") Then
70            On Error Resume Next
80            Kill strPRNFile
90            On Error GoTo RunReportAsPDF_Error
100       End If

          ' JRD *** Need to lock printer - printer output will spool to same
          ' if another program comes along and spools before we convert to
PDF and
          ' we will end up with a mess.

          ' Now run the report
110       If SetDefaultPrinter(strPDFPrinter) = True Then
120           DoCmd.OpenReport strReportName, acViewNormal

              ' Wait until the report completes
130           Do While Dir(strPRNFile) & "" = ""
140               DoEvents
150           Loop

160           Call ResetDefaultPrinter(0)

              'Generate file name to use for PDF output and script file.
170           strPDFFileName = GetTempFileName_TSB(AppShortName())
180           strPDFFileName = Replace(strPDFFileName, ".tmp", ".pdf")
190           strPDFScriptFile = strPDFProgPath & AppShortName() &

              ' Change printer driver output into a PDF
              ' Script the batch file
200           intFileNum = FreeFile
210           Open strPDFScriptFile For Output As #intFileNum
220           Print #intFileNum, "" & Left(strPDFProgPath, 2)
230           Print #intFileNum, "" & "CD " & Chr$(34) & Mid(strPDFProgPath,
3) & Chr$(34)
240           Print #intFileNum, "" & Chr$(34) & strPDFScriptFile & Chr$(34)
& " " & strPRNFile & " /D /V1.4 /O" & strPDFFileName
250           Close #intFileNum

              ' Execute batch file and wait till done.
260           lngHWnd = Shell(Chr$(34) & strPDFScriptFile & Chr$(34),
270           WaitWhileRunning (lngHWnd)

280           RunReportAsPDF = strPDFFileName

290       Else
300           gstrMBTitle = "Printer not installed."
310           gstrMBMsg = "The printer " & strPDFPrinter & " is not
320           gstrMBMsg = gstrMBMsg & vbCrLf & "Please correct."
330           gintMBDef = vbCritical + vbOKOnly
340           gintMBBeep = True
350           gintMBLog = True
360           Call DisplayMsgBox
370           RunReportAsPDF = ""
380       End If

390       On Error Resume Next

400       Close #intFileNum

410       Exit Function

420       UnexpectedError ModuleName, RoutineName, Version, Err.Number,
Err.Description, Err.Source, VBA.Erl
430       RunReportAsPDF = ""
440       Resume RunReportAsPDF_Exit

End Function

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of jwcolby
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 03:18 PM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: [AccessD] Automating pdf printer

A client wants to print stuff to a pdf and send the email.  I would create a
report and send it to 
the printer, then pick up the resulting file and send an email.

I know how to do everything except the pdf part in the middle.

Is anyone doing this?
John W. Colby
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