[AccessD] New article

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Tue Oct 5 08:45:12 CDT 2010

> I added some support. Or gasoline?
> http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/10things/?p=1855
> Do you really receive _hate_ mails? Who don't such readers comment in 
> public?

========Thank you Gustav. :) No, I don't really receive "hate mail" --  
occasionally, someone does insult me, but it doesn't happen very often. I 
once had a lady from Japan call me an "idiot" and a few other things, but 
mostly, I receive very nice mail. People have questions and they're polite 
about asking or they just want to say thanks because a tip came at a timely 
moment. When people disagree with me, they are almost always polite about 
it. About the worst I get in the public forum (the only one right now is 
techrepublic) is a "this is too simple, you wasted my time..." -- and then 
the other readers usually chew them up for lunch, so it's actually all very 
good. :)

Susan H. 

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