jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Thu Oct 28 14:58:13 CDT 2010
I have a query where I need to select sets of data. I am looking at existing data in a field, status codes, which I display in a combo so that the user can select sets of records based on those codes. I basically pass the combo box value into the where clause (through a fltr() method) and back come the filtered results. In order to handle the "*" (all) I use a like Fltr(). The problem is that if the value in the status is an empty string, the combo returns a null. Null and Like are mutually exclusive. I finally got around this by testing the combo in the after update of the combo and if the combo value is null, passing a "" to fltr() and thus into the where of the query. I'm just wondering if anyone has found another way to do this. -- John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com