jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Wed Sep 1 11:14:05 CDT 2010
A.D. Thanks for that. I am working on a Presentation Level Security System (PLSS) AKA my Lightweight Security System. The PLSS is not an add-in in the typical sense of having an entry in the Add-in menu of the tool bar. PLSS is really a set of forms in the PLSS which the security administrator uses to set up security, but mostly (on a day to day basis to the user) it is a security framework that forces a user log in, associates a user with a group or groups, associates application forms with a group / groups and controls the forms based on a VENN diagram intersection of the user's groups and the form's groups. IOW it emulates Windows Security system for Access objects. I really do not know how your "add-in factors" relate to using the forms stored in the library to access data stored in the FE. The actual code in the library pretty much just works for my purposes. I have been doing this kind of thing since somewhere around 2001. Access 2K brings some interesting challenges as it has a bug relating to circular references between a form pointing to a class which sinks events for the form. That bug was fixed in Access 2002. The PLSS is now working at the form level, for Access 2002 and above, and I have a test / demo database which exercises the user / group / form security in a realistic (if small) environment. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com A.D. Tejpal wrote: > AddIns > ===== > > J.C.,