jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Thu Sep 16 11:21:28 CDT 2010
I use libraries. My C2DbFW3G (framework, 3rd generation) has a function called fltr(). C2DbFW3G references C2DbLWS (my old Light Weight Security framework). C2DbLWS has a function fltr(). So... My front end references BOTH C2DbLWS and C2DbFW3G in that order. C2DbFW3G is setting filters for the application, but when the application calls fltr() to get the resulting values, because it references C2DbLWS first, it calls fltr in C2DbLWS and of course it returns a null value. Reversing the order of the reference in my application now allows the application to call fltr in C2DbFW3G and that fltr() has the right value. -- John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com