Asger Blond
ab-mi at
Fri Sep 24 12:39:26 CDT 2010
Did you try to make a query and set the property for the field to Fixed with 2 decimals, then export this query to Excel? This works for me. Asger -----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] På vegne af Doug Steele Sendt: 24. september 2010 18:58 Til: Access Developers discussion and problem solving Emne: [AccessD] Excel export problem Hello all: I am trying to export a query to Excel (this works just fine). One of the columns contains a decimal number which is a result of calculating the elapsed hours between two times. The number of decimal places ranges from none to 15 (!). The column is a real mess when it shows up in Excel. The user could always reformat the column, but I'd rather export the hours with 2 decimal places only. If I try to use the Round function "= Round(MyHours,2)", Access ignores it completely and outputs the original multi decimal places. If I try to use Format "=Format(MyHours,"0.00")", I get the two decimal places but Excel flags every cell as 'Number formatted as text'. If I try to convert the formatted value back to a single "=CSng(Format(MyHours,"0.00"))", I get the multi decimal numbers I started with. Does anyone have a solution? Thanks, Doug -- AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: