[AccessD] Is there a way to dynamically hide fields if needed

David McAfee davidmcafee at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 19:31:17 CDT 2010

I'm working in an ADP.

I have the pseudo pivot table since I am working in SQL2000 (PIVOT
wasn't available until SQL2005)

SplitID,  IncDetID, SplitTypeID, SplitAmt
FROM tblSplit
WHERE IncDetID = 5199


SplitID  IncDetID SplitTypeID SplitAmt
---------- ------------- ---------------- -------------
36          5199        1             15.00
37          5199        7               5.00

My pseudo pivot table:
		SUM(CASE SplitTypeID WHEN 1 THEN SplitAmt ELSE 0 END) AS DlrPay,
		SUM(CASE SplitTypeID WHEN 2 THEN SplitAmt ELSE 0 END) AS SvcMgr,
		SUM(CASE SplitTypeID WHEN 3 THEN SplitAmt ELSE 0 END) AS PartsDept,
		SUM(CASE SplitTypeID WHEN 4 THEN SplitAmt ELSE 0 END) AS SvcAdv,
		SUM(CASE SplitTypeID WHEN 5 THEN SplitAmt ELSE 0 END) AS SvcDept,
		SUM(CASE SplitTypeID WHEN 6 THEN SplitAmt ELSE 0 END) AS SvcTech,
		SUM(CASE SplitTypeID WHEN 7 THEN SplitAmt ELSE 0 END) AS Contest
	FROM tblSPlit


IncDetID  DlrPay   SvcMgr PartsDept SvcAdv  SvcDept SvcTech Contest
------------ ----------- ------------- -------------- ------------
------------ ------------ -----------
5199        15.00         0.00       0.00        0.00       0.00
0.00      5.00

In the actual final display, there are many tables joined to this, so
the resultset really looks like:

CustNo   InvNo        ItemNo      Qty    Unit Price    IncentiveAmt
TotalIncentive    DlrPay    SvcMgr    PartsDept   SvcAdv   SvcDept
SvcTech   Contest
------------ --------------- ------------- -----------
---------------- --------------------- ----------------------
------------- -------------- ---------------- -------------
-------------- -------------- --------------
07235     54521337   02951         6          54.95              20.00
          120.00      15.00           0.00        0.00           0.00
   0.00           0.00         5.00
07235     54521337   03111        12         40.95              17.00
         204.00      15.00           0.00        0.00           0.00
  0.00           0.00         2.00
07235     54521337   01121        24         30.95              20.00
         480.00      15.00           0.00        0.00           0.00
  0.00           0.00         5.00
07235     54521337   01161        12         36.95              25.00
         300.00      15.00           0.00        0.00           0.00
  0.00           0.00       10.00
07235     54521337   06011        12         47.95              22.00
         264.00      15.00           0.00        0.00           0.00
  0.00           0.00         7.00
07235     54521337   10521        12         41.95              19.00
         228.00      15.00           0.00        0.00           0.00
  0.00           0.00         4.00

I'd really like it to look like this:
CustNo   InvNo        ItemNo      Qty    Unit Price    IncentiveAmt
TotalIncentive    DlrPay    Contest
------------ --------------- ------------- -----------
---------------- --------------------- ----------------------
-------------  --------------
07235     54521337   02951         6          54.95              20.00
          120.00      15.00         5.00
07235     54521337   03111        12         40.95              17.00
         204.00      15.00         2.00
07235     54521337   01121        24         30.95              20.00
         480.00      15.00         5.00
07235     54521337   01161        12         36.95              25.00
         300.00      15.00       10.00
07235     54521337   06011        12         47.95              22.00
         264.00      15.00         7.00
07235     54521337   10521        12         41.95              19.00
         228.00      15.00         4.00

I'm still debating on displaying this as a listbox or subform on the main form.

I'm thinking if it is in a listbox, simply loop through the last 7
colums. If the entire column is 0 then make that column a 0" width in
the list box.
If I go with a datasheet subform, run a recordset clone and if all
values for a given field are 0 then make that field hidden.

any ideas?

I have to do this on a form and on a report (print out of the form) so
I'm trying to think of a good way to do this that will apply to both.


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