[AccessD] Add Date/Time Stamp to xcopy target

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Fri Apr 15 03:33:33 CDT 2011

Hi Jim

Ping for wait? 
That's clever. I haven't seen that before, but why not.


>>> accessd at shaw.ca 14-04-11 23:44 >>>
I have a chuck of code that actually creates a new directory, using the
current date and then copies the information into into and the system runs
this batach file every and has been running for years...It is only limited
by the size of the backup drive.

:: The complete data backup  
@echo off
set dt=none
for /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%i in ('date /t') do set dt=%%k%%i%%j

md c:\backups\%dt%
cd c:\backups\%dt%

echo Create Master Backup
xcopy s: c: /y /q

echo Update completed...
ping -n 10 >NUL


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