jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Fri Apr 29 10:00:07 CDT 2011
Thanks to Gustav. this is encryption, not hashing. Option Compare Database Option Explicit ' PC1 Cipher 128-bit key ' (c) Alexander Pukall 1991 ' Can be used freely even for commercial applications ' ' MS Access 97 version by ' Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS ' gustav at cactus.dk ' ' 2002-03-09. V1.0 ' Initial port from Visual Basic. ' 2002-06-23. V1.1 ' Code clean up and constants added. ' Redundant code removed. ' Modified to fully comply with VB datatypes. ' Modified to not crash for certain passwords. ' Modified for high speed conversion of long strings ( > 32K). ' 2002-06-24. V1.2 ' Functions added for en/decrypting to/from binary strings. ' Usage: ' SetPassword(password) sets password prior to en/decryption. ' GetPassword() retrieves current password. ' StrEncrypt(DecryptedString) returns encrypted ascii string. ' StrDecrypt(EncryptedString_ascii) returns decrypted string. ' StrEncryptBin(DecryptedString) returns encrypted binary string. ' StrDecryptBin(EncryptedString_binary) returns decrypted string. ' ' Encrypted ascii string is twice the length of the decrypted string. ' Encrypted ascii string contains low ascii chars from a to p only. ' Encrypted binary string is same length as the decrypted string. ' Encrypted binary string may contain any char including Chr(0). ' Password may contain any ascii char including Chr(0). ' Password is maintained in global variable strPC1Password16. Private Const clngHexMax As Long = &H10 Private Const clngBytMax As Long = &H100 ' Maximum value of unsigned Integer. Private Const clngIntMax As Long = &H10000 ' clngAscMin defines beginning of a 16 letter range from a to p. Private Const clngAscMin As Long = &H61 Private strPC1Password16 As String * clngHexMax Private x1a0(9) As Long Private cle(17) As Long Private x1a2 As Long Private lngInt As Long Private lngRes As Long Private lngTmp As Long Private ax As Long Private bx As Long Private cx As Long Private dx As Long Private si As Long Private i As Long Private c As Long Private d As Long Private e As Long Private strEncrypted As String Private strDecrypted As String Public Function SetPassword(ByRef strPassword As String) As Integer Dim intPasswordLength As Integer ' Remove leading and trailing spaces from password. strPassword = Trim(strPassword) ' Set global variable and limit password to fixed length of 16 characters. strPC1Password16 = strPassword ' Find and return net length of password. intPasswordLength = Len(strPassword) SetPassword = intPasswordLength End Function Public Function GetPassword() As String ' Get global variable strPC1Password16. GetPassword = RTrim(strPC1Password16) End Function Public Function StrEncrypt(ByVal strInput As String) As String strDecrypted = strInput Call Encrypt(False) StrEncrypt = strEncrypted End Function Public Function StrDecrypt(ByVal strInput As String) As String strEncrypted = strInput Call Decrypt(False) StrDecrypt = strDecrypted End Function Public Function StrEncryptBin(ByVal strInput As String) As String strDecrypted = strInput Call Encrypt(True) StrEncryptBin = strEncrypted End Function Public Function StrDecryptBin(ByVal strInput As String) As String strEncrypted = strInput Call Decrypt(True) StrDecryptBin = strDecrypted End Function Private Sub Encrypt(ByVal booBinary As Boolean) Dim strX As String Dim lngC As Long Dim lngD As Long Dim lngM As Long Dim lngN As Long Dim lngX As Long si = 0 x1a2 = 0 i = 0 strX = strDecrypted lngX = Len(strX) strEncrypted = Space(lngX * (2 - Abs(booBinary))) For lngN = 1 To clngHexMax cle(lngN) = Asc(mID(strPC1Password16, lngN, 1)) Next lngN For lngN = 1 To lngX c = Asc(mID(strX, lngN, 1)) ' Calculate lngInt. Call Assemble lngC = lngInt \ clngBytMax lngD = lngInt Mod clngBytMax For lngM = 1 To clngHexMax cle(lngM) = cle(lngM) Xor c Next lngM c = c Xor (lngC Xor lngD) If booBinary = False Then ' Build ascii string. d = (c \ clngHexMax) Mod clngHexMax e = c Mod clngHexMax ' clngAscMin + d gives one letter range from a to p for the 4 high bits of c. ' clngAscMin + e gives one letter range from a to p for the 4 low bits of c. ' Perform high speed insertion of encrypted character. Mid(strEncrypted, (lngN * 2) - 1, 1) = Chr(clngAscMin + d) Mid(strEncrypted, (lngN * 2) - 0, 1) = Chr(clngAscMin + e) Else ' Build binary string. ' Perform high speed insertion of encrypted character. Mid(strEncrypted, lngN, 1) = Chr(c) End If Next lngN End Sub Private Sub Decrypt(ByVal booBinary As Boolean) Dim strX As String Dim lngC As Long Dim lngD As Long Dim lngM As Long Dim lngN As Long Dim lngX As Long si = 0 x1a2 = 0 i = 0 strX = strEncrypted lngX = Len(strX) \ (2 - Abs(booBinary)) strDecrypted = Space(lngX) For lngN = 1 To clngHexMax cle(lngN) = Asc(mID(strPC1Password16, lngN, 1)) Next lngN For lngN = 1 To lngX If booBinary = False Then d = Asc(mID(strX, (lngN * 2) - 1, 1)) If d >= clngAscMin Then ' Transform the letter to the 4 high bits of c. d = d - clngAscMin If d < clngHexMax Then d = d * clngHexMax End If End If e = Asc(mID(strX, (lngN * 2) - 0, 1)) If e >= clngAscMin Then ' Transform the letter to the 4 low bits of c. e = e - clngAscMin If e < clngHexMax Then c = d + e End If End If Else c = Asc(mID(strX, lngN, 1)) End If ' Calculate lngInt. Call Assemble lngC = (lngInt \ clngBytMax) Mod clngBytMax lngD = lngInt Mod clngBytMax c = c Xor (lngC Xor lngD) For lngM = 1 To clngHexMax cle(lngM) = cle(lngM) Xor c Next lngM ' Perform high speed insertion of decrypted character. Mid(strDecrypted, lngN, 1) = Chr(c) Next lngN End Sub Private Sub Assemble() Dim lngM As Long Dim lngN As Long x1a0(0) = ((cle(1) * clngBytMax) + cle(2)) Mod clngIntMax Call Code lngInt = lngRes For lngM = 1 To (clngHexMax / 2) - 1 lngN = lngM * 2 x1a0(lngM) = x1a0(lngM - 1) Xor ((cle(lngN + 1) * clngBytMax) + cle(lngN + 2)) Call Code lngInt = lngInt Xor lngRes Next lngM i = 0 End Sub Private Sub Code() Const clngKeyB As Long = &H4E35 Const clngKeyC As Long = &H15A dx = (x1a2 + i) Mod clngIntMax ax = x1a0(i) cx = clngKeyC bx = clngKeyB lngTmp = ax ax = si si = lngTmp lngTmp = ax ax = dx dx = lngTmp If (ax <> 0) Then ax = ((ax Mod clngIntMax) * (bx Mod clngIntMax)) Mod clngIntMax End If lngTmp = ax ax = cx cx = lngTmp If (ax <> 0) Then ax = ((ax Mod clngIntMax) * (si Mod clngIntMax)) Mod clngIntMax cx = (ax + cx) Mod clngIntMax End If lngTmp = ax ax = si si = lngTmp ax = ((ax Mod clngIntMax) * (bx Mod clngIntMax)) Mod clngIntMax dx = (cx + dx) Mod clngIntMax ax = ax + 1 x1a2 = dx x1a0(i) = ax lngRes = ax Xor dx i = i + 1 End Sub John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com On 4/28/2011 5:21 PM, Asger Blond wrote: > How do you create the hash - any generator to recommend? > Asger