Darryl Collins
darryl at whittleconsulting.com.au
Tue Aug 16 21:28:19 CDT 2011
Well I have been trying to find something nice to say about A2007, and I guess one thing is in form design view when you have all the controls grouped and you expand or contract one of them, the rest move along in sync, that is nice and can save a fair bit of time tweaking the form layout etc. Sadly, it doesn't make up for the rest of the bugs and nonsense I have come across, but hey, it is something at least :) Latest weirdness was I had a file whose ADO connection string to the back-end was failing. No idea why as it was working great on other PC's, so I took the error handlers off the all the code so I could see exactly which line was failing. Ran the code and it worked perfectly, WTF?? I mean, I didn't put in an "On error resume next" I took out ALL the error handling functions so it would go splat at the first problem, but instead it work flawlessly first time. So I put back in the error handlers to see what might happen - maybe they were causing the error somehow (although it was compiling just fine), and it worked flawlessly again. Go figure. I fixed the problem, but no idea what happened or why that would fix the issue.... Many instances of this sort of weirdness. If you are just mashing data A2007 works mostly ok, but to develop an app in A2003 is far more stable and easy to use. Approach with some caution if you can. Just me thoughts Cheers Darryl.