[AccessD] SQL table update error

Dale Kalsow dkalsow at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 19 09:51:49 CDT 2011

    Good Morning,
I have attached a sql table in my access 2007 database.  I can copy and paste records into just fine; how ever when I try to write to it using vba I receive the error "Run-time error '31456':  ODBC--call failed."
Here is my code:
Dim rstRSs As DAO.Recordset
 Set rstRSs = currentdb.OpenRecordset("dbo_InternalPhoneRecord", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
 With rstRSs
![IPRdatecalled] = datCallDateTime
 End With
I receive the error on the .Update statement.
Does anyone have any idea?

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