[AccessD] freelancing job sites (OT Reply)

Asger Blond ab-mi at post3.tele.dk
Mon Aug 22 17:14:15 CDT 2011

What kind of massage? Maybe you found a desiable project. But most time I
would agree with Susans wise words:

5: Freelancers are happier because they?re doing what they love
I love my grandchildren and my garden. I love long walks in the woods and
teaching children that snakes aren?t all bad. (No, that?s not my dating
profile?) IT pays the bills so I can indulge my grandchildren and have a
garden. Don?t get me wrong. I know a lot of IT contractors who genuinely
enjoy their work ? I?m one of them. Despite that, I believe most IT
freelancers are in the business because they have strong marketable
skills, not because they?re passionate about IT. (Passion and IT
shouldn?t even be used together in the same sentence.)

----- Original meddelelse -----

> Fra: Steve Schapel <steve at datamanagementsolutions.biz>
> Til: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
> <accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
> Dato: Man, 22. aug 2011 23:34
> Emne: Re: [AccessD] freelancing job sites (OT Reply)
> The project I am working on this week is an Access 2010 application
> for a
> massage therapist. Appointment diary, SMS and email reminders to
> clients,
> etc. Small, simple, and sweet. The deal: a 1 hour massage for each
> hour's
> work I put in. Got my monthly massages for the next couple of years
> paid
> for in advance. Plus the wife's birthday presents sorted. :)
> Regards
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Drew Wutka
> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 4:10 AM
> To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
> Subject: Re: [AccessD] freelancing job sites (OT Reply)
> Had an interesting weekend.
> --
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