[AccessD] freelancing job sites (OT Reply)

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 10:28:07 CDT 2011

> 2) in many large corps, very little "IT" is actually being performed in 
> the
> IT departments.
> It's mostly all about justifying one's existence (and pay/benefits 
> !!)....as
> well
> as the management of a pool of temps/contract employees.
> And IT protects itself well with lax deadlines and deliverables.
> However, if you end-up being assigned to an END-USER department, be 
> prepared
> for quite the opposite....
> High pressure....low pay.

========I've definitely seen both ends of this at play, even in good 
companies where I didn't expect this kind of subterfuge. Nobody can protect 
themselves like IT folks -- it's because the whole thing's a mystery to 
everyone else. IT can say anything and everyone else just has to go along.

Susan H. 

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