No subject
Thu Dec 29 09:38:12 CST 2011
This was a long way to go about doing this when you could easily do the Crosstab
query suggested in another post then run a report that sums the colums and the
rows. The only problem with the Crosstab is that you must modify the report if
new types are added. My way does not matter if new types are created as long as
the last 3 characters are one type and the other characters are another type
(you could modify this to use a delimiter and then not have to worry about the
Scott Marcus
-----Original Message-----
From: Drew Wutka [mailto:DWUTKA at]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 4:55 PM
To: 'accessd at'
Subject: RE: [AccessD] Painted into a corner
No problem. Just remember that the Unions can be the true SQL too. So the
various querries could actually be in the Union Query, instead of making the
Union query's SQL point to them. (Does that make sense?)
Go get some rest! <grin>
-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark [mailto:John.Clark at]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 3:36 PM
To: accessd at
Subject: RE: [AccessD] Painted into a corner
Actually, No, you did not make this complex...I think I actually
understand everything that you are saying. I am attempting to try this
now, but I think I am going to surrender for the evening. I am getting
some interesting results, but I am tired and need a break. When I say
interesting, I actually mean that they are promising. I'll pick it up
again at 7:30AM tomorrow!
So far, I am using:
SELECT Findings, Count
FROM qryFindingsCntByPeriod
UNION SELECT txtResultSpec, Count
FROM qryCountsOne
UNION SELECT txtResult, Count
FROM qryCountsTwo;
Thank you very much for your help!
Good Night!
John W Clark
>>> DWUTKA at 03/11/03 02:19PM >>>
John, just use a Union query. A union query in Access must be written
SQL, but it's pretty simple.
Let's say you had this table:
and this table:
Now, let's say we had this data:
FirstName LastName
Bob Smith
George Blue
Harry Jones
FirstName LastName
John Jacobs
Greg Myst
Anna Grant
Okay, now you want a query to show both your clients and your personnel
the same fields.
To show just the clients, this SQL would work:
Select FirstName, LastName
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