[AccessD] It just goes to show ya

Arthur Fuller fuller.artful at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 15:55:36 CST 2011

Hearty agreement on that! I run a few VMs (not all at once, given my meager
4GB of RAM), and have come to the conclusion that it's always the safest
path to create a new VM prior to installing anything new; run it there and
see what explodes; end result is the VM explodes and the rest of my baby is


On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 4:48 PM, jwcolby <jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com>wrote:

> Yep, an image immediately after doing all of the install / patch stuff,
> then another periodically.
> I have to tell you though, things like DropMyRights and noScript goes a
> long ways towards thwarting the bad guys.  Sand boxes really do work well.
>  running all Web facing apps in a sandbox prevents the nasties from doing
> bad stuff.

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