[AccessD] compiled .mde file allowing design view

Carolyn Johnson cjlabs at att.net
Tue Feb 15 21:20:08 CST 2011

I sent someone a database with a compiled front end / back end last June.  Now he has emailed me because the the forms and reports can be viewed in Design view.  

The file he sent back (with .mde extension) does not run the startup form, and it does allow me to open forms and reports in Design view.  The modules are all gone however.

This was an Access2000 database.  I don't know what version of Access his co-workers were using (he's just the messenger), but I do know that the OS is Windows7.   I had also heard from them last June that they were having trouble opening the file -- getting a message that Windows was blocking it.

It sounds like they found something to handle the problem of the database being blocked by Windows 7 that ended up allowing design view?   Does anyone know what they might have done?   The person I'm dealing with doesn't seem to know.

Carolyn Johnson
St Louis, MO

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