Brad Marks
BradM at
Thu Feb 17 14:09:38 CST 2011
Background Small Firm Currently no Microsoft SQL-Server in house (Only Microsoft Access) Website Hosting is outsourced. Website orders are stored in SQL-Server at the hosting firm. We have reason to believe that adequate SQL-Server backups are not being done by the hosting firm. (We are in the process of finding a new website hosting firm.) I have a little Access application that pulls the data (with ODBC) from the 24 SQL-Server tables at the hosting firm and imports these tables into Access tables. This takes about 5 minutes to run. I view these tables as a "last resort" short-term backup. With this as background, here is my question... I am thinking about installing SQL-Server 2008 Express. How difficult would it be to import these 24 remote SQL-Server tables into a local copy of SQL-Server. This was easy to do with Access, but I am not familiar with SQL-Server utilities. I know that this is more of a SQL-Server question than an Access question. I just thought that many of you have a lot of experience with SQL-Server and could possibly point me in the right direction. Perhaps my current approach of using Access is good enough. Thanks, Brad