[AccessD] Troubleshooting a runtime

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Sun Feb 27 20:38:59 CST 2011

I got it.  The library was referenced at c:\Dev\PrisonMinistry but I had placed the FE and FW at 
c:\Runtimes\LenoirPM on the VM which has the runtime installed..

As soon as I created the same directory structure as my dev machine and moved the FE/FW to that 
location, and run AddPath.exe on that location - it started working.

So, I am running a VM with only an Access 2007 runtime, with my FE and framework running under that 
runtime, hitting a SQL Server at a specific Hamachi IP address.  Bound forms, linked tables.  The 
table links have the Hamachi IP address hard coded in the connection, as well as a username / 
password which has db_DataReader and db_DataWriter rights on that specific database.  Not optimum I 
know but *it works*!

ATM it is on my local network but I have hope at least that it will run under a 2007 runtime on 
another machine across the internet.

Now what I need to do is to get this VM running on my laptop, then take the laptop back to Arby's to 
test with their internet back into my network.

John W. Colby

On 2/27/2011 7:19 PM, jwcolby wrote:
> I have installed a runtime package to a VM for testing. I have a FE and a library which, when
> accesses from other machines with full Access installed do not error in any way. I try to run this
> under the runtime and the switchboard opens, but I get an immediate error as soon as I try to open
> any (bound) form "there was an error executing the command". Basically it is just opening a form.
> Given that the runtime does not provide any assistance at all, how are you supposed to troubleshoot
> install issues? Suppose I install this on computer XYZ and it gives me an error. I am not going to
> install Office (Access) on the machine for troubleshooting.
> Does anyone on the group actually use runtimes? What do you do if there is an error?

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