jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Sun Jan 9 22:25:48 CST 2011
Stuart, I hear you. Unfortunately this is my first pass at all of this stuff. I do know how to create SPs though I have never returned a data set, only individual values. Passthrough queries? Uhh... But for two of these clients I am developing in 2003 so I should be able to do most of this stuff once I learn how. The third is firmly stuck in 2000. It did not correctly handle updatable ado - bound forms etc. That is going to be tougher. The only saving grace there is that the app all runs over an internal lan, and in that case I am only going for a single table initially - the original threads about this stuff. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com On 1/9/2011 10:30 PM, Stuart McLachlan wrote: > John, > > Make sure that you use SPs and PassThrough Queries wherever possible to return only the > data you need. > > The killer on slow connections is the overhead of pulling indexes, unwanted data over the link > for Access queries to do all the processing locally. Believe me, you do NOT want to run > access queries on linked tables/views over slow connections. > >