jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Thu Jul 7 07:03:20 CDT 2011
I have a selection query for a bound form. If I just do a select xyz from tblInmate it works of course. I want to select a subset of inmates that reflect those that I work with (specific camps). I have a tblVolunteerCamps (the camps that a volunteer works with) and I built a stored procedure out in SQL Server that selects the IDs of inmates at those camps. I feed the SP the volunteer ID and back comes the campIDs and the inmateIDs in those camps. I had read (on this list) that if I used IN (SELECT ID from QueryXYZ) in the where clause it would allow the query to be editable but doing so is turning my query into a non-updatable query. SELECT TblInmate.* from tblInmate WHERE (INM_Active <> 0) AND (INM_Location IN (SELECT CMP_LOCCODE FROM qspVolCampIDs)) If I remove the IN clause, the query is updateable. I really need to filter to just the camps the volunteer works with and I am wondering how to accomplish this. In the past I would try to JOIN the main query to the selection filter and that caused non-updateable. I was told to use the IN(SELECT) which has worked in most cases in the past. Any clue why not now and how to go about filtering and keeping it updateable? -- John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com