[AccessD] Delete query... fast ... deleting from datasheet view ... slow

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Mon Jul 4 06:23:55 CDT 2011

Hi William and Stuart

Yes in memory, if possible. If not, in some temp db in the temp folder of the current user of Windows.


>>> stuart at lexacorp.com.pg 04-07-2011 12:45 >>>
I suspect it is only stored in memory.

On 4 Jul 2011 at 5:51, William Benson wrote:

> Where does Access store the temp table Gustav? In other words if you
> open a monstrously large table select all records and do several faux
> deletes one after another which you confirm but cancel at the
> "Continue without Undo?" Prompt....does the database bloat I wonder! I
> will check this when I get back to computer!_

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