jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Tue Jun 21 16:15:51 CDT 2011
In my InmateCheckout application I use the Microsoft WebBrowser activeX object for looking up info about the inmates. One of the things I do is to display a picture using a link as follows: http://webapps6.doc.state.nc.us/opi/viewpicture.do?method=view&showDate=N&pictureType=I&offenderID= and then I append the OpusID (inmate number) so I end up with something like: http://webapps6.doc.state.nc.us/opi/viewpicture.do?method=view&showDate=N&pictureType=I&offenderID=0002836 So I wanted to download these pictures so that the user can step through the inmate records displaying their photo without having to go get the photo every single time. Plus this allows me to print a report with photo for my own use. I found this on the internet: http://vbnet.mvps.org/index.html?code/internet/urldownloadtofile.htm Built in to windows and... it just works! Technology is wonderful when it works! -- John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com