[AccessD] Update query

Bob Gajewski rbgajewski at roadrunner.com
Sun Jun 5 22:41:04 CDT 2011

Hi Folks

I am having trouble getting an update query to work.

	Field1HouseNumber (Number, Long Integer)
	Field2StreetID (Number, Long Integer)
	Field3ParcelID (Text) ..................... Currently all empty

	Field1_loc_st_nbr (Number, Long Integer)
	Field2_loc_st_name_id (Number, Long Integer)
	Field3_parcel_id (Text)

I need to populate Table1, Field3 with the contents of Table2, Field3 *if*
Table1/Field1 = Table2/Field1 <and> Table1/Field2 = Table2/Field2.

My update query has three columns:

	Field: Field1HouseNumber
	Table: Locations
	Criteria: =[Table2].[Field1]

	Field: Field1StreetID
	Table: Locations
	Criteria: =[Table2].[Field2]

	Field: Field3ParcelID
	Table: Locations
	Update To: [Table2].[Field3]

Whe I click on "Run", I received the following error:
	"Type mismatch in expression"

I would *really* appreciate and hekp, suggestions or direction here ... I've
never done an update query that matches on more than one criteria before ...

Bob Gajewski

PS - I know how to write the entire update procedure in a VBA module ... But
where would I execute it?

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