[AccessD] Execute permission denied

Darrell Burns dhb at flsi.com
Sat Jun 18 21:40:50 CDT 2011

Not sure if this is more than what you're looking for, but I created a
function that executes SQL procs thru ADO. Based on parameters passed to the
function (called ExecuteSQL), it can retrieve a return value or recordset.

There's a table that goes along with this code called SQL_Procs, which
contains the rules for each stored procedure that will be called. 
It has these fields:
	sp_Seq (int), sp_Name (text), sp_Args(text), sp_ReturnStatus (bit),
sp_ReturnsRecordset (bit), sp_Output_Table (text - optional)

Public Function ExecuteSQL(spName As String, Optional InputVals As Variant,
Optional SQLdatabase As String) As Variant
'   Run a SQL Server pass-through function or stored procedure
'   Prefix stored procedure names with 'sp' and functions with 'fn'
'   Returns a value or status as specified in SQLProcs. If status, returns
true or false.
'   Example call string:
'       SQLOutParm = "@InsertOK OUT"   .....optional. Must be prefixed with
@ and suffixed with OUT
'       qryName = "sp_Insert_Collection"
'       qryParms = NewEntry & ", " & Scope & ", " & CollRank & ", " & ID &
", " & NewParentID & ", " & AddLevel & ", " & SQLOutParm
'       If ExecuteSQL(qryName, qryParms) = "Return_Error" Then
'          Status_Msg "ERROR: Couldn't execute stored procedure " + qryName,
'          Exit Sub
'       End If
    Dim InputString As String, arParse() As String, SQLOutParm As String,
Word As String, SQLParmNames() As String, spArgs As String
    Dim ParseVal As Variant, retval As Variant
    Dim NextID As Long
    Dim n As Integer, numArgs As Integer, ReturnStatus As Integer,
ReturnsStatus As Integer, ReturnsRecordset As Integer, isFunction As Integer
    Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim cmd As New ADODB.command
    isFunction = False
    ReturnsStatus = False
    ReturnsRecordset = False
    If SQLdatabase = "" Then
        DSN = "Master"
        SQLDB = "Master"
        DSN = SQLDB
        SQLDB = SQLdatabase
    End If
    ConnectString = "ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server Native Client
10.0;SERVER=T61XP;UID=Darrell;PWD=;Trusted_Connection=Yes;" & _
                    "DSN=" + DSN + ";Description=SQL Master
database;UID=Darrell;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=" + SQLDB + ";"
    arSQLReturns(1) = ConnectString
    ReturnsStatus = DLookup("sp_ReturnStatus", "SQL_Procs", "sp_Name = '" +
spName + "'")
    ReturnsRecordset = DLookup("sp_ReturnsRecordset", "SQL_Procs", "sp_Name
= '" + spName + "'")
    If Left(spName, 2) = "fn" Then '?????how do I set a return parameter for
a function????
        isFunction = True
        Dim ADOParmsReturnValue As New ADODB.parameter
        Set ADOParmsReturnValue = cmd.CreateParameter(, adVarChar,
adParamReturnValue, 200)
        cmd.Parameters.Append ADOParmsReturnValue
        ReturnsStatus = False
    End If
    ExecuteSQL = "Error" 'default return value
    cnn.Open ConnectString
    cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn
    cmd.CommandText = spName
    cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    retval = DLookup("sp_Name", "SQL_Procs", "sp_Name = '" + spName + "'")
    If IsNull(retval) Then
        MsgBox "No SQL_Proc entry has been defined for stored procedure " +
spName, vbCritical, "ExecuteSQL"
        Exit Function
    End If
    'If this is a stored proc and there is a ReturnStatus, it has to be the
first parameter. Result will be returned later in cmd.Parameters(0)!
    Dim ADOParmsReturnStatus As New ADODB.parameter
    If ReturnsStatus Then
        Set ADOParmsReturnStatus = cmd.CreateParameter(, adInteger,
        cmd.Parameters.Append ADOParmsReturnStatus
    End If
    'Get the sproc parameters from the SQL_Procs table...
    retval = DLookup("sp_Args", "SQL_Procs", "sp_Name = '" + spName + "'")
    If IsNull(retval) Then
        GoTo ExecSproc 'if proc has no arguments, ready to execute
    End If
    'This section executed only if there are args...
    spArgs = retval 'spArgs are the specified argument names from SQL_Procs
    numArgs = 0
    arParse() = Split(spArgs, ",") 'args are delimited by commas
    For Each ParseVal In arParse 'parse out the args
        numArgs = numArgs + 1
        ReDim Preserve SQLParmNames(numArgs)
        SQLParmNames(n) = IIf(Left(ParseVal, 1) = "@", "", "@") + ParseVal
    Next ParseVal
    'Error if args were specified and not supplied...
    If IsMissing(InputVals) Then
        MsgBox "ERROR: " + Trim(str(numArgs)) + " arguments were specified,
and none were supplied.", vbCritical, "ExecuteSQL"
        Exit Function
    End If
    'Now parse out InputVals and make sure we have an input arg for each
specified arg...
    If Not IsNull(InputVals) Then
        InputString = InputVals
        arParse() = Split(InputString, ",")
        n = 0
        For Each ParseVal In arParse
            n = n + 1
        Next ParseVal
        If n <> numArgs Then
            MsgBox "ERROR: " & numArgs & " arguments were specified, and " &
n & " were supplied.", vbCritical, "ExecuteSQL"
            Exit Function
        End If
        'The number of args matches up; now insert them into an ADO
parameter object...
        For Each ParseVal In arParse
            If IsNumeric(ParseVal) Then
                Word = Trim(str(ParseVal))
                Word = Trim(ParseVal)
            End If
            Dim ADOParms As New ADODB.parameter 'define the ADO parameter
            If Left(Word, 1) <> "@" Then '@ indicates an output variable
                Set ADOParms = cmd.CreateParameter(SQLParmNames(n),
adVarChar, adParamInput, 200, Word) 'OK to pass integer values as nvarchar
                cmd.Parameters.Append ADOParms
                If InStr(Word, "OUT") = 0 Then
                    SQLOutParm = Word
                    SQLOutParm = Trim(Left(Word, InStr(Word, "OUT") - 1))
                End If
                Set ADOParms = cmd.CreateParameter(SQLOutParm, adVarChar,
adParamOutput, 200, SQLOutParm)
                cmd.Parameters.Append ADOParms
            End If
            If n = 1 Then
                arSQLReturns(2) = "ADO parameters: " & ADOParms
                arSQLReturns(2) = arSQLReturns(2) & "; " + ADOParms
            End If
       Next ParseVal
    End If
    'Ready to pass it thru to SQLServer...
    arSQLReturns(3) = Null 'default
    arSQLReturns(4) = Null 'default
    If ReturnsRecordset Then
        'Save Recordset Results in the array arSQLOutput...
        Dim fldloop As ADODB.Field
        Set rSQLOutput = cmd.Execute '******here's where the stored proc is
executed and returns the results in a recordset******
        If rSQLOutput.RecordCount <> 0 Then
            Dim iRow As Integer, iCol As Integer
            iRow = 0
            While Not rSQLOutput.EOF
                iRow = iRow + 1
                For Each fldloop In rSQLOutput.Fields 'load results into the
                    ReDim Preserve arSQLOutput(iCol)
                    arSQLOutput(iCol) = rSQLOutput.Fields(iCol)
'                    Debug.Print "OUT " & iCol & " = " & arSQLOutput(iCol)
                    iCol = iCol + 1
                Next fldloop
                iCol = 0
        End If
        rSQLOutput.Close 'Need to close recordset before getting return
    End If
    If SQLOutParm > "" Then
        arSQLReturns(3) = cmd.Parameters(SQLOutParm).Value 'RetVal
'        Debug.Print  "OUT = " & arSQLReturns(3)
    End If
    If isFunction Then
        arSQLReturns(3) = cmd.Parameters(0)
'        Debug.Print  "ReturnStatus = " & arSQLReturns(4)
    End If
    If ReturnsStatus Then
        arSQLReturns(4) = cmd.Parameters(0)
'        Debug.Print  "ReturnStatus = " & arSQLReturns(4)
        If IsNull(arSQLReturns(3)) Then
            arSQLReturns(3) = arSQLReturns(4)
        End If
    End If
    ExecuteSQL = arSQLReturns(3)
    Set cmd = Nothing
    Set cnn = Nothing
End Function
-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of jwcolby
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 7:51 PM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving; Sqlserver-Dba
Subject: [AccessD] Execute permission denied

I am trying to figure out how to use stored procedures to return recordsets
to Access.  I created a 
stored procedure that accepts a parameter, the stored procedure pulls a
recordset and if used like so:

exec usp_MySP 1

returns a recordset to the query window in SQL Server.

So, now how to get it to work in Access.  I thought I was going to create a
pass through query 
dynamically, save it and then "open" the query to get the recordset.

The query is a passthrough query

usp_InmatesForVolunteers 1

The ODBC connect string is:


All of this (except for the database part) comes directly out of a DSN file
which works to link 
tables and views into Access.  Tested and working for that purpose.

So the passthrough query fails.  Error:

[Microsoft][ODBC Sql Server Driver][SQL Server]The execute permission was
denied on the object 
'usp_InmatesForVolunteers', database 'InmateCheckout', schema 'dbo'. (#229)

Interestingly if I remove the database part of the connection string it
returns exactly the same 
error message, even mentioning that database.  Thus the user itself being
mapped to that database 
seems to be working as well.

As I said, this all works for linking SQL Server tables and views, just not
executing the sp.

Any ideas?

John W. Colby
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AccessD at databaseadvisors.com
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