[AccessD] Access and SQL Server

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Wed Mar 2 16:40:50 CST 2011

Comments inline.


On 2 Mar 2011 at 17:12, Jim Dettman wrote:

> Stuart,
> <<When does a "many to many linking table" cease to be a "simply a
> many to many linking table" >>
>   It never does as your modeling a join and not some "thing" like a
> customer, book, or author.

You're not modelling a join - a join is just a programming construct.  You are modelling a real 
world relationship which can have attributes. 

> << How about when you are linking chemicals and formulas for a product
> formula and have to store a quantity as well?>>
>   That's a BOM (Bill of Materials) type structure and a one to many.

No, it's many to many.

Paint                Chemical
Satin White     Titanium Dioxide
Satin White     Water
Satin Yellow    Titaniun Dioxide
Satin Yellow    Water

> <<What about if you subsequently need to store info such as the start
> date of the link relationship.>>
>   You never would, but if you did it would look like this:

I wish I had a buck for every time I've seen "..never would"  subseuqnetly happened.

> tblBooksAndAuthors
> AuthorID - Long - FK to tblAuthors - PK-A
> BookID - Long - FK to tblBooks - PK-B
> CreatedDT - D/T
>   But that doesn't make any sense as a many to many record is added at
>   the
> same time as adding a record on one of the sides represented by the
> table.
>   For example, when entering a book, a user would be forced to select
>   a
> "written by" and the linking record to the author would be added at
> that point.  You can't have a book without an author.
>   So you would include a CreatedDT on tblBooks rather then on the
>   linking
> table.  One automatically implies the other.

I'm talking about the created date of the relationbship, not the objects.

For example:

Within the Royal Papua Yacht Club we have a number "sub Clubs" which members can join . 
(Scuba, Deep Sea Fishing, Sailing, Canoe Racing) .   I may decide to join the Deep Sea 
Fishing Club at some point in the future.   That join date needs to stored at the link, not in my 
master record.

membJoinDate ' Joined RPYC


JoinDate   'Joined the sub-Club

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