jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Fri Mar 4 21:16:46 CST 2011
And didn't I say exactly that at the very beginning of this thread? Anyone who lets the customer dictate the actual design of the database needs to be in a different business. ;) John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com On 3/4/2011 7:52 PM, Asger Blond wrote: > Stuart (and Shamil) > > Disagree. It's not just a matter of words - it's exactly a matter of words... > > Distinguishing between a logical and a physical PK makes clear which natural columns or combination of natural columns uniquely identifies each row in the table (the "logical PK") as opposed to a surrogate unique column (the "physical PK"), both of which should be present in every table. > When designing a table with unique rows you can't just add a surrogate PK key (a "physical PK"). If you don't have a natural column or combination of natural columns which are unique (a "logical PK" or "natural alternate key") then the table won't be in 1NF. > > Asger