jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Tue Mar 8 12:44:53 CST 2011
Are you talking about WHERE PK in (SELECT PK FROM SomeOtherSet) kind of thing? I am using that a ton in SQL Server. It turns non-updateable queries (joined to something else) into updateable queries. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com On 3/8/2011 11:09 AM, Tony Septav wrote: > Hey All > As Dan said OMG how much don't I know. > When fooling around with SQL Server I found you could next multiple subquerys in the pass- through > SQL string. I tried the same logic with Access and sure enough it works. And "Duh" did some research > and it has been there all along. Sure speeds things up when you are dealing with very large tables > of data.