David McAfee
davidmcafee at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 14:11:46 CDT 2011
FireFox has done that for as long as I can remember. On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Heenan, Lambert < Lambert.Heenan at chartisinsurance.com> wrote: > Just like Google Chrome does. When did Mozilla catch up with Google? :-) > > -----Original Message----- > From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com [mailto: > accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of jwcolby > Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 2:56 PM > To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving > Subject: [AccessD] I love Firefox > > Try this: > > Open firefox twice. > Load different things in each. > Now click, hold, and drag the tab from one down to the toolbar and over the > other copy of firefox. > Wait for it to select, then drag the tab up to the tab bar of the second > copy and drop the tab. You have now copied the tab from the first instance > to the second instance. > -- > John W. Colby >