jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Thu Mar 17 07:50:45 CDT 2011
That is good to know Brad. You are the first person in the group to really fess up to using the run time. It has been a learning experience trying to get all of the details ironed out. Trying to troubleshoot if I have problems is a royal PITA since I have no clue how to get feedback from the application. From what I was reading the runtime did not allow changes to objects even programmatically. If it will allow that then I will be able to do much more with my apps. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com On 3/16/2011 5:27 PM, Brad Marks wrote: > John, > > I might be misunderstanding things (like a good Minnesotian I will > apologize up front) but I thought that I would reply with info that > might be useful. > > We use Access 2007 Runtime quite a bit. > > While it is true that a person cannot modify objects via the "user > interface", we have applications that change Query-Defs (using VBA code) > in the Runtime environment. > > Brad