robert at
Fri Mar 18 18:33:58 CDT 2011
Ok, I have been fighting with this for a while now, and just can't seem to come up with a solution Enviroment: Windows Command Line Batch Process Back Ground: My WMC7 HTPC records shows to a folder, from there I have a program called WatchDirectory trigger a batch file for show processing. The batch file logic looks in a SHOWPARMS.txt text file for the show name, and returns to the batch file it's processing parameters. I have the basic framework up and running. Inside SHOWPARMS.txt Example: Glenn;True;"";"C:\VideoCaptures\GlennBeck";False;"";False;False Returns: True;"";"C:\VideoCaptures\GlennBeck";False;"";False;False Batch File Commands So Far: set SEARCHNAME=%WD_FILE_B:~0,4% :find from left to right the row that matches the first 4 characters :: Get the Show Params for /f "tokens=2-9 delims=;" %%A in ('findstr /b /i "%SEARCHNAME%" "C:\SyncFiles\Bat Files\SHOWPARMS.txt"') do ( set sQSF=%%A set sCOM=%%B set sPAT=%%C set sRAR=%%D set sUPL=%%E set sSFV=%%F set sDEL=%%G ) Problem: I need to parse the string backwards from the first "-" (I think). So if a show name is less the 4 characters the batch would still find it in the text file. So code would not only find this string using "Glen" or "Glenn" In "Glenn Beck-" or "GlennBeck-" (Which currently works) but would also need to find "V" in "V-" (currently the show would be missed due to the < 4 characters show name.) Then "-" after the show name is always there. Objective: To make the search string length variable (I think), and not based on the current limited 4 character requirement. To find the "-" after the show name and match as many characters as possible. (I think). ;) Any ideas how I can pull this off?